Social Security Disability and Workers' Compensation
Updated: 2011-04-28 21:04:37
New York Social Security Disability Lawyer Blog Published by New York Social Security Disability and Long Term Disability Attorney Insler Hermann , LLP Home Firm Website About Us Practice Areas Contact Us Previous Home Social Security Disability and Workers' Compensation April 28, 2011 Posted In : Social Security Disability Lew Insler's posts By Insler Hermann on April 28, 2011 3:04 PM Permalink Comments 0 Many people receive both Social Security Disability and Workers' Compensation benefits . Although we see it far less often than we used to , there are still people who believe they can't receive both , and delay applying for SSD until they settle their Workers' Comp claim . I interviewed a new client recently who told me that his Personal Injury lawyer told him to delay applying I think